Patrick A. Hudson, MD, FACS, BCC
Board Certified Coach providing confidential, one-on-one coaching for doctors
From July 1, 2022, the cost per session will be $250.
We offer 10 hours of CME Credit for our redesigned 12 session physician anger management program. A
ll sessions are individualized and available via Zoom.
These are NOT online classes or groups, but one-on-one, physician-to-physician coaching for anger.
Individual Coaching

When it comes to physician coaching, one size does not fit all. At Coaching for Physicians we individualize our program for each doctor and we work exclusively with physicians and surgeons. No two doctors are managed in the same way. We work one-on-one, to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in modern medicine. Only a physician can fully understand the life of another physician, so we provide confidential coaching for doctors, physician-to-physician. Coaching for Physicians provides specialized physician coaching and education for individual physicians and healthcare organizations, including full days of immersion in soft skills coaching. Dr. Hudson is experienced and has helped physicians for over a decade. If it is difficult for you to find time for individual sessions with Dr. Hudson we offer intensives at your location or ours. We help you develop the people skills, and soft skills, essential to modern medical practice. Our services include coaching for burnout and stress reduction, anger management and disruptive physician coaching, marital & relationship coaching, malpractice support, time management, conflict resolution, career & retirement coaching, executive coaching, and emotional intelligence & communication skills coaching for physicians and surgeons. You can get our free guide to interpersonal skills for physicians before you come for intensive coaching..
REFERENCES & COMMENTS: “Patrick is an excellent and highly skilled coach. He career as a surgeon has led him to have a deeply nuanced understanding of the physician minds and work environment. He is uniquely suited to working with physicians and achieving results. He has provided me a framework that I can use to make decisions about my career and return to often as I have insight into what I find energizing at work and what drains me… I return to teachings and conversations we have had often in my work with other physicians…I recommend Patrick without reservation and with the highest endorsement.” Family Medicine/California
Dr. Hudson offers intensive coaching lasting 1-3 days for individuals. We can schedule appointments for intensive marathon coaching at Dr. Hudson’s uptown office location in Albuquerque. For an additional fee and expenses, Dr. Hudson will also come to you and provide one-on-one, confidential marathon coaching intensives at your location. In intensive marathon coaching individuals meet one-on-one with Dr. Hudson for 5 hours a day and for 1-2 consecutive days and stay overnight at a nearby hotel or bed and breakfast (we can help you make arrangements). Each individual or couple has a unique schedule that is worked out in advance. Intensive coaching is especially useful for physician clients who cannot attend weekly coaching sessions and need to travel from distant locations. It provides a brief, intensive and focused approach to your coaching issues and is designed to help you learn new skills in less time.
Our services for individual physicians include:
Emotional Intelligence & Communication Skills Coaching: Over the last few years coaches have come to understand that when it comes to happiness and success, emotional intelligence (EQ) matters as much or more than intellectual ability (IQ). If you want to build stronger relationships or succeed at work, then higher emotional intelligence usually helps. Highly successful people who achieve their career and personal goals are more likely to have a high EQ than a high IQ.
Team Building and Physician Leadership: as a trained and authorized Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Provider, Dr. Hudson is equipped to help individual physicians and organizations develop the skills needed to lead healthcare teams. The survival of the medical profession as we know it, requires the development of leadership skills not only for physician executives but for all physicians. Most non-physicians in healthcare and the public, think of doctors as the leader of the healthcare team. This is rapidly changing and physicians can choose to develop these skills and lead, or someone else will and lead them.
Burnout: Physician burnout and stress reduction is an area where coaching is especially useful. Burnout is a term that usually refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work but should not be seen as a work problem alone. Indeed it can occur in the home situation and be destructive to relationships. While doctor burnout was assumed to result from chronic occupational stress, there is evidence that it also related to our personal life-style.
Anger Management & Disruptive Physician Coaching: Not all angry doctors are disruptive physicians. It is a label used by others to describe a doctor’s behavior. If you, or a loved one, has started to develop issues with anger it is wise to seek help with an anger management coach before this label is applied to you. In other words, it is best for you to get anger management training before someone else, like an administrator, disciplinary board or judge, mandate it for you.
Malpractice Support: Litigation is a common cause of emotional distress for doctors. Medical malpractice litigation takes a toll on physicians and their families. After a lawsuit most doctors feel angry and irritable. Coaching for Physicians can support you through these times and help you define your goals for the future.
Marital & Relationship Coaching: Many couples find themselves in a marriage that is less than satisfying but want to preserve and improve the marriage for their own sake as well as children. In a situation like this marriage coaching is often helpful. Coaching assumes you are already doing some things well and just want to do better. The aim is to maximize performance and get the most out of your marriage. e.
Personal Life Coaching & Transitions: At some point, most physicians question the direction of their life and wonder about their meaning and purpose. At these times existential life coaching is an excellent method of self examination. Its aim is greater self understanding not just in the coaching session but in life in general.
Time Management and Procrastination:Procrastination is likely thenumber one trait that makes physicians less productive and successful. Many get bogged down, endlessly putting off what they need to do to make their practice more successful. This impacts the quality of their patient care, their relationships and life in general.
Retirement Coaching: The average retirement age today is 62 and every day 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the age of 65. One survey in 2013 suggested that more than half of physicians may consider retiring from medicine within next 3 years. Some physicians are ill prepared for the changes that occur after retirement. They are usually in good health and can anticipate living longer lives and it is possible will spend more time in retirement than in their working life. Most are looking for ways to achieve and live their retirement dreams and view retirement not as an ending, but as a transition to a new and exciting phase of life.
Conflict Resolution: Dr. Hudson is a trained mental health counselor and a Fellow of the National Anger Management Association. When coupled with his lifetime of experience as a physician these skills make him uniquely qualified to help you resolve conflicts in the medical workplace.
Executive coaching: Executive Coaching for physicians is concerned with performance, development and fulfillment at work, whether in the office or hospital. Executive coaching often involves organizations as well as individuals and can improve the functioning of teams and whole organizations. When you need to advance your career in medical leadership, executive coaching is a useful tool.